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F2D Tactics
How to win at F2D Combat
First published: 2/3 2012 - Last update: 25/10 2012


How to win at combat by Mike Loughlin

A good back ground article with some general advice on how to win at combat.
Same article can also be found at Combat Flyers Association

The training process for F2D by Igor Trifonov

Very interesting information on how top pilots practice and prepare for competitions.
Even an explanation of Igor's tactics used in the final at the 2010 World Champs in Hungary.
The 2010 final on YouTube
The article is in Russian but readable with Google Translate
Igor Trifonov

Christmas Combat Tale by Mike Whillance

Some thoughts on sportmanship, rules and morals.
It explores the values of sportmanship in F2D which can be a tricky thing to balance just right.
F2D Combat.......Good Sport?
From: LINA 4/2009
Mike Whilliance

Model of Air Combat by B A Kiselev

Classic book on combat.
Russian text but a lot of interesting information.

F2D Blitzkrieg Strategy by Henning Forbech

How to improve your chances against strong pilots

F2D Statistics by Henning Forbech

An analysis of score at F2D Combat

F2D Engine Cowl by Henning Forbech

Give your model extra speed by reducing the parasite drag
Engine cowl for F2D.
Developed by Vytaustas "Killer" Rimsa, Lithuania

Improve safety and win at Combat
by Henning Forbech

How safety improvements can help you to win at combat
